Looking For MAT Treatment Near Me? Welcome To Relief.
MAT, or medication-assisted treatment, is often an essential part of any substance use disorder recovery plan. When paired with simultaneous behavior therapy, coping skill training, and holistic support, MAT treatment offers the best possible chance for sustained recovery.
Medications for MAT treatment are prescribed by addiction treatment experts and are administered in a clinical, controlled setting. After detox, MAT treatments could continue for several months to a year, depending on your unique needs.
What is Medication-Assisted Treatment?
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) is compassionate pharmacological assistance for people detoxing from substance use disorder (SUD). MAT occurs in a monitored setting under physician supervision as part of a broader care package involving counseling and other behavior therapy.
Most commonly, the SUD the patient is detoxing from is an opioid use disorder (OUD), alcohol use disorder (AUD), or nicotine dependency.
Rather than quitting “cold turkey,” medication-assisted treatment reduces the inherent discomfort and potential danger of detoxing to the greatest possible degree. This assistance is given because the ultimate goal is your recovery. It’s difficult to quit on willpower alone, and can sometimes be dangerous, when your neurobiological system has been rewired by the substances you’ve used.
80% of SUD detox patients who try to use behavioral interventions without assistance from pharmacological interventions (MAT) will return to drug use.[1] The result is similar for MAT-only interventions. The greatest chance at sustained recovery is through a curated blend of medication-assisted treatment and behavioral interventions.
Types of MAT

Medications Used to Treat Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
Medication-assisted treatment for alcohol use disorder includes medications like Vivitrol (naltrexone) and Xanax (benzodiazepines). Disulfiram and Acamprosate are two other medications that work by preventing people from wanting to drink alcohol and are usually prescribed days after abstinence has already been achieved.[2]
Only during severe cases of mid-withdrawal AUD, when the patient exhibits visual or auditory hallucinations, tremors, vomiting, and seizures, is a high-dose benzodiazepine like Xanax recommended.[3]
Do not self-prescribe any medication after researching on the internet. Always consult a licensed physician about any pharmacological decisions.

Medications Used to Treat Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
Medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorder includes medications like Dolophine (methadone–full agonist), Suboxone (buprenorphine–partial agonist), and Vivitrol (naltrexone–antagonist).[4][5][6] These all suppress the effects of opioids and alcohol.
Naltrexone actually binds to and blocks opioid receptors and cannot be overdosed on. It blocks the user from experiencing the sense of euphoria associated with opioid use. You can overdose on methadone and buprenorphine, but the amount in a dose is very low, and it is statistically unlikely unless you’re mixing it with other substances.
There is extensive research that shows maintenance methadone, or buprenorphine, is associated with sustained treatment participation, decreased substance use, fewer cravings, and improved social functioning.[7]

Medically Assisted Treatment Process
The MAT process occurs during medically supervised detoxification at a medical level of care. Everyone at our facility will receive the benefits of medication after extensive preparation goes into your individualized treatment plan.
Before starting the detox, we conduct a clinical assessment to determine your specific needs. We consider your history and treatment goals when developing a treatment plan.
We have several beds specifically set aside for detoxing. Each bed is in its own room with its own private bathroom and temperature control.
The average patient spends 6-10 days in detox, after which you will transition from our detox wing to our residential wing. There you will spend 30-45 days in our residential unit before transitioning to lifelong aftercare.
Your MAT program will continue after you leave our residential facility. In all likelihood, medication-assisted interventions could continue for 3 months to 1 year.
How (and Why) Medication-Assisted Treatment Works
Addiction isn’t an indication of weak resolve. Addiction is hardwired into our neurobiology, and it’s made more severe by the duration of substance use. MAT works because it’s rooted in human physiology and psychology.
Opioids and alcohol are powerful because they bind to the mu opioid receptors in our central nervous system. When opioids and alcohol get abused, it rewires our neurobiology to associate pleasure with the presence of synthetic opioids and pain in their absence.[8]
Trying to achieve sobriety without MAT as part of a broad treatment strategy is a long shot. You didn’t get where you are today overnight, so you won’t get out of it overnight, either. Medication-assisted treatment takes the long view of recovery and assumes you’ll need to have sustained treatment participation over weeks and months.
It will take a long time to rewire your brain, but eventually, you’ll come out on the other side a healthier, happier person. Medication-assisted treatment, along with behavior therapy, is your best chance for lifelong sobriety.

What’s the Best Way to Find MAT in Connecticut?
Talk to your therapist or doctor to figure out what your next steps should be. If you don’t have a therapist or doctor, call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) or search their treatment locator online. This is a free, confidential, and 24/7 referral service to help you find treatments for mental health or substance use disorders.
Paramount Wellness has a 24/7 phone line with treatment experts standing by to meet your needs. We’ll qualify your insurance and then run a clinical assessment to develop your custom treatment plan and help you start your recovery with confidence. Call us now!

What We Treat with MAT
Cost of Medication Assisted Treatment
The price for a MAT program largely depends on your substance use history and the length of detox needed. The timeline for detox depends on the intensity of your withdrawal and how well you respond to the medications.
After detoxing, many patients continue taking addiction medications for three months to a year. Many private insurance plans cover certain addiction medications. Call your insurance carrier and ask if there are specific medications or treatment programs covered in your plan.